Roles and Responsibilities of a Non-Profit Board

October 01, 2024
05:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Board members of an incorporated, non-profit organization are legally responsible for the governance of the organization and are expected to develop, implement and monitor policies that will allow the organization to carry out its mission.

Beyond their legal duties, board members are also important resources - they contribute to the culture, effectiveness, and strategic focus, as well as act as ambassadors and advocates for the work being done by the organization. While a board may appoint staff and/or committees to carry out the work related to its policies, programs and services, the board is ultimately responsible for meeting outcomes.

In this workshop, participants will learn the best practices of board governance, the legal duties and responsibilities of board directors, and risk management that will ensure that the organization has the right resources to advance its mission.

Topics Covered Include:

  • Key roles and responsibilities of the board and its members
  • Common board governance structures and which one best fits your organization
  • How committees can support the work of the board
  • Understanding bylaws, policies and procedures
  • Identifying the legal duties and liabilities of the board

Who should attend?

This workshop was designed to assist individuals with little (or no) board governance experience, those who would like to refresh their knowledge, or those who are working with boards that have gotten a little off track.


Kevin Freedman is a national leader in the areas of governance and non-profit leadership. He is the founder and principal consultant at The Governance Guru where he helps boards do their jobs better through training, facilitation, and support. Before this, he spent several years teaching full-time in the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Winnipeg, including courses on non-profit management, corporate governance, ethics, and organizational behaviour, and still teaches contractually. A former executive director, he has more than 45 years of cumulative governance experience with public, non-profit, and private organizations dating back more than 15 years. He has been on the boards of the largest credit union in Manitoba, the largest school division in Manitoba, and numerous other local and national boards. Currently, he is chair of the Governance and Reconciliation, Equity, and Inclusion Committees on the board of the YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg. Kevin is also an award-winning volunteer and community leader, having been recognized with a Governor General's Medal for service and the YMCA Canada Peace Medal among others. Kevin holds a master's degree in non-profit management, is an Accredited Canadian Credit Union Director, and is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors and the International Association for Volunteer Effort. He has been teaching with Volunteer Manitoba since 2016.


In Person: This workshop will be held at 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2Z6 (Sport Manitoba)

Accommodations - In Person Events

Volunteer Manitoba strives to host inclusive, accessible workshops that enable all individuals to engage fully. If you require any accommodations to participate in our training, please indicate so on the registration form.

Volunteer Manitoba is committed to accommodating individuals with sensitivity to scented products. Participants are kindly asked to refrain from using perfume, cologne, aftershave, or other fragrances to create a fragrance-free environment.


Sport Manitoba (145 Pacific Ave)
Winnipeg MB  R3B 2Z6




Kevin Freedman

Web registration

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