Resources and Supports for Organizations

At Volunteer Manitoba, we recognize that volunteers are the backbone of the non-profit and charitable sector. Regardless of the number of volunteers, there is a person at each organization, charity or community group whose job it is to recruit, train, supervise and recognize volunteers.

We know the challenges that non-profits and charities face when it comes to the recruitment, retention and recognition of their volunteers. To address those challenges we are here to provide extensive training in volunteer management, access to the latest trends and research, assistance in the recruitment of volunteers for your programs, and staff who have expertise and hands-on experience in the field of volunteer management.

Volunteer Recruitment

As a volunteer centre, it's our job to foster and develop volunteerism in the community as a whole. We do this by encouraging people to volunteer their time and by providing easy access to volunteer opportunities. We also work with groups and organizations to help enhance and promote their recruitment of volunteers.

Online Volunteer Opportunities

The Volunteer Opportunities section of our website allows you to recruit experienced and dedicated volunteers from across Manitoba. Once you become a registered user, you can post unlimited volunteer positions.

How to find your location?

Not sure where the location of your opportunity is in relation to the choices in the drop down menu on the website? As there are SO many subdivisions in Winnipeg and areas in Manitoba - we've used government designations to make it simpler.

New Options for Your Volunteer Opportunity Post

Volunteerism is changing. VM is offering new options to select when creating your volunteer opportunity post to help appeal to potential volunteers including Micro Volunteering.

Micro Volunteering: What is it?

A type of volunteering that involves short time commitments and quick, independent projects. It caters to busy individuals with limited free time and typically involves completing a specific action quickly. Volunteers can choose projects that match their skills and interests. Micro Volunteering offers immediate and tangible impact for volunteers and community organizations and both benefit from this type of role as it saves time and resources.

See the full definition on Volunteer Canada's Website

Helping you Get the Word Out

We forward new volunteer opportunities to the Winnipeg Free Press (and other select media), educational institutions and other key organizations for distribution. Your volunteer position and/or program can also be featured in our newsletter and blog - contact us to discuss!

Volunteer Manitoba's Website and Social Media

We support your recruitment by reposting your volunteer positions on Volunteer Manitoba's

To have your volunteer opportunity (unpaid) shared on Volunteer Manitoba's social media platforms, tag us in your post: @VolunteerManitoba and use the hashtag #VolunteersNeededMB.

@VolunteerManitoba #VolunteersNeededMB

Free Press

The Free Press publishes volunteer opportunities on our behalf every Monday.

To have an opportunity published in The Free Press at no charge, please submit 3-4 sentences, written in the third person (they, their, them), describing the opportunity along with your contact information and deadline. Submissions need to be received by the Communications Assistant no later than Monday, 3 pm, for inclusion in the following Monday's paper.

Free Press retains editorial control and volunteer opportunities may be edited, or held over.

Contact Us

Direct #: 204-477-5180

Volunteer Management Training and Resources

Our volunteer management training has been developed to help volunteer administrators in both large and small non-profit organizations learn practical skills to help strengthen their group's volunteer management. For more information on what we can deliver, visit this section of our website.

We've developed resources to help you administer your volunteer program including policy templates, best practices, worksheets, and more. To view our offerings, visit our Resources section.

Spark - a service of the Canadian CED Network

Spark works to strengthen and build the capacity of community-based organizations in Winnipeg who include or benefit the city's marginalized populations. Spark staff meet with organizations to help them map out where they are in their developmental path, what their strengths and challenges are, and then connects them to resources in the community who can help improve what they are doing now or start new initiatives. These resources are often volunteers who bring specialized professional skills to the project.

These matches with volunteers with specialized skills build and strengthen the capacity of community groups and organizations who are working for positive change in Winnipeg. Recently, Spark has made matches that led to community organizations addressing challenges related to organizational planning and development, communications and marketing, accounting and bookkeeping, and IT (information technology), among many other things.

Spark is a service provide by the Canadian Community Economic Development Network, a national member-based coalition committed to strengthening Canadian communities by creating better economic opportunities and enhancing environmental and social conditions.

If you are a Winnipeg-based community organization who would like some assistance, or a volunteer with specific professional skills who would like to help build a better community, go to for more information, and contact the Spark staff at 837-7275 (83-SPARK) or