3 Ways to Emerge as a Leader in the Non-Profit Sector

  • March 14, 2023

    Posted by: Corinne Napper

    Do you know what is needed for a flower bud to bloom? Sun, good soil, and some water.
    But do you know what is needed for an emerging leader to bloom? 😉

    Just like flowers, emerging leaders in the non-profit sector need nurturing environments and support to bloom!

    Whether you aspire to be a program manager, executive director or a board member, we found three ways you can emerge as a leader within the nonprofit sector.

    1. Mentorship
    Find a mentor! Mentorship is extremely important in the sector. We can learn from those that have been doing it longer, or who have a specific skill set you are looking to develop. Mentors can provide you with advice and motivation, plus can support you in setting goals for yourself to advance your career.

    Where can you find mentors? Look on LinkedIn or see other professional networking sites (for example Volunteer Management Professionals Regional MB Group).

    Which leads us to number 2!

    2. Networking
    Because of the nature of the non-profit sector, we are all community minded. Networking can help you connect with the right people to land you the right opportunity at the right time. It can also connect you with people who you can partner with or help you when you are struggling with a project.

    3. Professional Development
    Finally, professional development. Yes, we might not have grand budgets for professional development, but developing new skills is critical for non-profit leaders. In our sector, we all wear multiple hats. There is no HR or Marketing Department (if there is - you are lucky!) so we need to know a little bit of everything to succeed in our roles. Volunteer Manitoba is proud to be the place where emerging leaders can grow! Take a peek at our upcoming workshops to see what kind of workshops can help your career flourish.

    Just like a garden, career development doesn't happen overnight. We must start preparing the seeds long before summer.

    If you don't know what seeds to purchase or what tools to use, give us a call or email us, we would love to show you how!

    Check out our entire list of workshops to help you bloom!

    See this article and the rest of the March newsletter here!


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