Event Volunteers (Various) - Winnipeg Winterfest 2025

Organization Details
Organization Name: Special Olympics Manitoba
Address: 304-145 Pacific Avenue
Winnipeg MB  R3B 2Z6
Website: https://specialolympics.mb.ca/volunteer/
Organizational Description: Special Olympics Manitoba is the provincial sport governing body for Manitobans with an intellectual disability by providing athletes with quality sport programming. SOM is a non-profit charitable organization.
Volunteer Opportunity Details
Volunteer Opportunity ID: 5652
Description of Duties:

Winnipeg Winterfest 2025
Be Part of the Action at Winnipeg Winterfest!
Winnipeg Winterfest is a thrilling multi-sport winter competition featuring floorball, speed skating, snowshoeing, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, and 5-pin bowling! We need passionate volunteers like you to help make this event a success. Sign up today and be part of the excitement!

Floorball Volunteer Positions:

Job Title: Floorball Scorekeeper

  • Volunteers needed: 1

  • Responsibilities and expectations: monitor the game as well as collaborate with referees and teams to mark down needed aspects of the game. Such aspects include goals, assists, penalties

Job Title: Floorball Timekeeper

  • Volunteers needed: 1

  • Responsibilities and expectations: Will work with referee, monitoring the game and stopwatch to indicate when periods and game are complete

Job Title: Security

  • Volunteers needed: 1

  • Responsibilities and expectations: Will stand at the door to ensure that everyone is wearing indoor/clean shoes

Job Title: Referees

  • Volunteers needed: 2

  • Responsibilities and expectations: Monitor the game and enforce rules of floorball. Work with timekeeper and scorekeeper to ensure accurate information is recorded.

Time Commitment:

  • The event is from 9am to 5pm and we are asking volunteers to come for 9am.

Speed Skating Volunteer Positions:

Job Title: Speed Skating Timer

  • Volunteers needed: 6

  • Responsibilities and expectations: Work with referee and watch athletes as they cross the line

Job Title: Speed Skating Results

  • Volunteers needed: 2

  • Responsibilities and expectations: take times from timers and record on appropriate mediums

Job Title: Speed Skating Lap Counter

  • Volunteers needed: 1

  • Responsibilities and expectations: will have lap counter indicating how many laps have been skated

Job Title: Speed Skating Starter

  • Volunteers needed: 1

  • Responsibilities and expectations: will be at the start line working with athletes to provide a fair start

Job Title: Speed Skating Marshal

  • Volunteers needed: 2

  • Responsibilities and expectations: will have heat sheets to escort athletes to waiting are for each race

Job Title: Speed Skating First Aid

  • Volunteers needed: 1

  • Responsibilities and expectations: on standby to tend to the medical needs of athletes

Job Title: Speed Skating Announcer

  • Volunteers needed: 1

  • Responsibilities and expectations: will be announcing the athletes and events through a microphone

Time Commitment:

  • The event is from 11am to 4pm and we ask volunteers to come for 10:15 am

Snowshoe Volunteer Positions:

Job Title: Snowshoe Timer

  • Volunteers needed: 12

  • Responsibilities and expectations: at start/finish line, timing athletes and working with results people to measure time

Job Title: Snowshoe Course Marshall

  • Volunteers needed: 4

  • Responsibilities and expectations: along the course to ensure that the athletes are safe and following rules

Job Title: Snowshoe Course Results

  • Volunteers needed: 2

  • Responsibilities and expectations: working with timers to record accurate results

Job Title: Snowshoe Starting Marshall

  • Volunteers needed: 2

  • Responsibilities and expectations: will work with athletes ensuring that everyone who is racing is at the start line and in the correct events. Will then use an airhorn/whistle to signal the start for athletes

Job Title: Snowshoe track Groomer

FEB 21 2pm - 5pm

  • Volunteers needed: 2

  • Responsibilities and expectations: will aid in the grooming and setting up of the snowshoe track

Time Commitment:

  • The event is from 9:30am to 3 pm and we ask volunteers to come for 9 am

Non-Sport Volunteers:

Job Title: Lunch Servers

  • Volunteers needed: 5

  • Responsibilities and expectations: will be stationed in the dining hall and aiding in the serving of athletes at lunch; there will be 2 waves of athletes, 11:30am and 12:30pm

Job Title: Lunch Clean up

  • Volunteers needed: 5

  • Responsibilities and expectations: Will aid in the clean up of lunch after each sitting

Job Title: Awards Crew

  • Volunteers needed: 2

  • Responsibilities and expectations: Will be aiding the announcer in sorting and handing out awards at lunch and the end of the day.

Time Commitment:

  • We ask volunteers to come for 10am to 5pm

Job Title: Security & Parking Attendants

  • Volunteers needed: 2

  • Responsibilities and expectations: Will direct busses, cars, and other vehicles to the proper location at SJR

Time Commitment:

  • We ask volunteers to come for 8:30am to 5pm

5-Pin Bowling Volunteer Positions:

Job Title: 5 Pin Results

  • Volunteers needed: 12

  • Responsibilities and expectations: At the venue and recording the results as they come in. They will then bring the written results to the main results table. Having experience in Excel is an asset. Volunteers will be responsible for 2 lanes each.

Job Title: 5 Pin Medical

  • Volunteers needed: 1

  • Responsibilities and expectations: Tending to the volunteer needs of athletes as needed

Skills Required:


  • Passion for sport

  • Some knowledge about sports

  • Transportation to get to the venue

Skills Gained/Related Careers:


  • Lunch is provided for all volunteers at all locations

  • Provides experience working with people with an intellectual disability in a sport setting & people who have intellectual disabilities.

  • Provide proof of volunteer hours for school credits

  • Great year-round volunteer opportunities!

Age: 13-15, 16-17, 18-30, 31-54, 55+
Time Commitment:

Event Details:

Event Date: February 22, 2025

Sports: Floorball, snowshoe, & speed skating

Location: St. John's-Ravenscourt

Address: 400 South Dr, Winnipeg, MB R3T 3K5

5-Pin Bowling Location: Mosienko Lanes

Address: 1136 Main St, Winnipeg, MB R2W 3S3

Training and Supervision:

  • The morning meeting that will go over your responsibilities for the day as well as a tour of the facility and show you the location to place all your belongings.

  • You will report to Emma Wedlake, Volunteer Coordinator at the event for check in as well as any questions, comments or concerns.

Training and Supervision at Mosienko Lanes:

  • The morning meeting will go over your responsibilities for the day as well as a tour of the facility and show you the location to place all your belongings.

  • You will report to Tanner Wiebe, Projects & Operations Coordinator at the event for check in as well as any questions, comments or concerns.

Location of volunteer opportunity: Winnipeg
- Fort Garry
- Point Douglas
Does opportunity require a criminal record check? No
Does opportunity require a child abuse registry check? No
Opportunity is available to candidates that: Group - small, family and friends
Group - large, corporate and schools
Fulfilling volunteer hours for school credit
Are able to attend with a support person
Organization will provide: Certificate of recognition
How to Apply:
Closing Date: Feb 19, 2025


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